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Playorama is a cranky video player for the Playdate. You can use the crank to fast forward and backward or move frame by frame through a video.


While a video is playing, you can use the following controls.

  • A: pause
  • B: menu
  • Up: toggle track bar
  • Left and Right: toggle through different playback speed
  • Crank: change playback speed up to 4x

If the video is paused, using Left and Right or the Crank will move frame by frame.


Playorama has two options available in the Playdate System Menu:

  • VCR effect: adds a VCR pause effect to the video when going fast forward, backward or frame by frame.
  • Log: show errors that occured while opening your own video and audio files.


You can add your own videos by connecting  your Playdate to your computer in Data Disk mode. To encode your videos, you can use the online Playdate Video Encoder. For more details and troubleshooting, you can consult the README on the project's source code on GitHub.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Made withPlaydate
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionA few minutes
LinksSource code, Playdate Video Encoder, Twitter


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Tenet - Official Trailer 2 (2020).zip 33 MB
Playorama.1.0.3.zip 3 MB
Playorama-Community-Direct-Bundle-1.zip 491 MB
Playorama-Community-Direct-Bundle-1-Tiny-Version.zip 21 MB

Development log


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I tried to use the PDV converter and for some reason I am forced to be using a browser such as OperaGX, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft edge. This causes my uploads to have no volume

(1 edit)

Nevermind, I figured it out

Feedback: I think for the Playorama, you should add a new feature where the videos can be played reverse because I think it would be fun to play with and cool to have.

Thank you for the comments.I thought this app was really good, so I'm going to take the word "free" out of the comments I posted before.

Thank you 🙌

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I downloaded Playorama-Community-Direct-Bundle-1-Tiny-Version.zip, loaded it to playdate, and am using it well. Thank you.
Download Bundle-1.zip and sideload it to the playdate site has encountered an error and cannot be loaded.

Honestly, I don’t expect this can be sideloaded online via the website considering the size of the file. Instead you should wire your console via USB and move the file from there. 

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So I've recently added some episodes of a show I like to the playdate. However, the audio won't play even though it's an mp3 file with the same base name as the pdv. Any recommendations?

Try reencoding your mp3. I can have a look if you can share your files.

What kbps would I want?  (Here's the link to the files anyway)


Thank you. There's definitely something wrong with the files as I can't even open them in macOS. If you hit the button menu on the Playdate, and then go to the "Log" screen, you should see messages like this:

> Cannot open audio at '/mp3/Birthday Game Ep. 5 6 - Bee and PuppyCat - Cartoon Hangover.mp3 as a sampleplayer: [wrong file type: no header]

Reencoding your files with ffmpeg (with just `ffmpeg -i yourfile.mp3 myfile.mp3`) worked for me. Hope this helps.

You need a crank feature where you have to crank to play it but the speed of the crank effect the speed of the video

(1 edit)

this would be cool, honestly.

one of my favorite apps is Playroll for this reason.

i believe you've more or less implemented this already. the only hitch is there's no audio when you use the crank to advance a paused video.

an option with audio would take Playorama from great to incredible.

I need to check on Playroll. 

I wanted to implement this at first, but it resulted in a very stuttered audio. Stopping an image as soon as you stop cranking is not disturbing, but stopping the audio made for a very unenjoyable experience in my opinion. I guess the solution lies in having threshold so that the audio continues for a few milliseconds when you stop cranking (and the images as well).

Is it not possible to say effect the speed of sound

Like when you stop a record it slows down lowering the pitch before it goes quiet

(1 edit)

i'm sure there are some things to be learned from other developers who have implemented this sort of thing in their apps.

PacoLabs, who has now made 3 apps for PD that feature this crank-controlled audio, would likely be willing to share some of their sorcery with you. 

->   contact@pacolabs.com

I will definitely be watching the SpongeBob movie

Pics or it didn’t happen.

No I'm not sending sponge nudes

Hey there!
Just wanted to say that I love using Playorama!
There's just one small anoying thing:
The Playdate autolocks its screen after a while of watching a video.
Any chances for an update, where Playorama prevents the screen from being auto-locked while watching videos?


Hey, thank you for your feedback! There's absolutely an API to prevent auto lock. This is an easy fix I'll look into pushing asap. Thanks!